Saturday, April 13, 2019
9:30am: Registration opens; coffee and refreshments
10am-1pm: Business Finance Basics Training
Cathedral Church of St. Paul, Lower Sproat Room
138 Tremont Street, Boston, MA 02111
Keeping an eye on the financial health of your co-op is an important part of your role as a member. This training will teach you to read basic financial statements of any business and to understand key performance and business health indicators. You will also gain some exposure to management accounting tools, including checks and balances to prevent or detect errors/accidents/fraud, accounting for worker-owners’ equity in capital accounts, budgeting as a planning tool, cash management, and creating/using a flash report or business dashboard.
Registration fees are on a sliding scale. Please pay what you can afford.
Members of GBCC: $10-$25 per person
Three or more people from the same member co-op: $5-$20 per person
Join the Chamber as an individual member and register: $30-$45 per person
Register as a non-member: $20-$35 per person
While this workshop is geared toward members and staff of worker, housing, and consumer cooperatives, anyone is welcome to register. Those involved in social justice groups more generally and particularly those working in the Solidarity Economy/New Economy movement would benefit from this training.